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It Started with Believing in Myself


With 20 years of competitive marathon/triathlon experience, my goal is to inspire, encourage, and connect our community with mindfulness, goal-setting practice, and self-empowerment. 


Earning my Bachelor's Degree in Biology, Master's Degree in Education, and Teacher's Credential from UCLA, I have worked a variety of roles in the past 12 years as an Educator, Coach, Public Speaker, Event Planner, and Run Personality. Coming from an immigrant family, I am deeply passionate about education, health, and fitness -- goal seeking was a fundamental way of life for me. Named the Youngest Female in the World to Run 100 Marathon in 2013, I have now completed over 135 marathons, 80 half marathon, 13 ultras, and 5 Ironmans across the globe frequently as Top Overall women or age group. My goal is to empower our communities through example that anything is truly possible when you believe in yourself.

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